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Why Do Cats Knead And Bite Blankets? I See…

Why Do Cats Knead And Bite Blankets? I See…

Cats kneading and biting blankets is a behavior quite apart from their typical regal demeanors.

Yet to know cats is to love them, and this odd quirk is just another reason that these animals remain endlessly fascinating.

Indeed, there are various cats “baking biscuits” with blankets.

Read on to find out more about this unusual feline habit.


Why Do Cats Knead And Bite Blankets?

Kittens knead and bite as a feeding technique, and out of instinct, from the day they are born. In mature cats, continued kneading and nibbling may signify trust, comfort, and contentment. Cats also knead and bite to claim territory and mark items with their scent. In some cases, this habit can indicate a medical or psychological condition.


Why My Adult Cat Bites And Kneads Blankets 

Many cat owners have witnessed their fully-grown feline companions setting out and retracting their claws against soft surfaces like blankets.

This habit of kneading is often accompanied by purring and biting or suckling.

Never fear. This does not mean that a cat is dysfunctional. Conversely, it indicates that cats feel very relaxed and comfortable, and by kneading, biting, and purring, they are soothing themselves to sleep.

If cats feel safe enough to knead, it is a sign that they are happy and content.

The feeling they are experiencing is the same as the sense of security provided by their mothers, so it’s a huge compliment to an owner when a kitty feels so loved.


Why Kittens Knead And Bite Their Moms

When kittens are born, they instinctively knead and then bite their feline mother’s nipples to stimulate milk production.

This does more than just feed them. It also provides them with comfort and relaxation.

When they get older, cats generally outgrow this tendency. However, in some cases of cats taken away from their mothers too young, this habit may continue into maturity.

It may also be that some cats reminisce about the comfort of their moms when they are faced with a soft, cozy blanket.


Cat Kneading And Territory Marking: Their Correlation

In households with more than one cat, it is common for them to mark their territory by kneading and biting their favorite resting spots.

Felines have sweat glands on the pads of their paws that give off a distinct scent. When they knead blankets, they transfer their smell to a spot they are marking as their own.

Similarly, they transmit scents via their saliva when they bite.

Scent marking is a way for a cat to tell other animals that a specific spot is off-limits.


Do Kneading And Biting Mean Something’s Wrong With My Cat: The Answer 

A cat kneading and biting can also indicate a medical condition, such as pica, or a dental or oral health issue.

Pica is a condition where cats and other animals eat unusual substances and materials. Owners should check to see that their cats are just biting their blankets and not trying to eat them.

If they are eating and swallowing fabric or fabric fibers, this may be a sign of a gastrointestinal problem, and a cat should see a vet for a checkup to rule out medical issues.

Similarly, a cat with dental or gum pain may bite into its blanket to try and alleviate its discomfort or even draw attention to it.

If the cat seems more distressed than relaxed, it may be a sign that it needs to have its teeth and gums looked at.

Occasionally, biting and kneading means a psychological issue is at play. It might be trying to alleviate boredom, in which case it needs more stimulation.

If an owner has spent volumes of time away from their cat, it could also be that the cat is trying to comfort itself and just needs a little love and attention.

Most kitty parents can tell when their cat is content or distressed, so the best thing to do is pay attention to whether this is a normal and endearing habit or signs that something is amiss with a cherished pet.


Frequently Asked Questions About Why Cats Knead And Bite Blankets


Should I stop my cat from performing the kneading and biting act?

If this habit is not causing harm to you, your blankets, or your cat, there is no reason to stop it from kneading and biting. It is a relatively common feline behavior, and many cats outgrow it over time. Reprimanding a cat for doing something harmless can traumatize them.


Can kneading and biting a blanket make my cat sick?

Just like humans, cats can contract allergies which can cause medical problems. If a blanket is comprised of unsafe fibers or chemicals, it can be dangerous for your cat. If you know your cat has a blanket fetish, try to procure hypoallergenic items where possible.


Are wool blankets safe for your kitty pal?

Cats love wool, and it may be because it makes them remember their mothers. Wool is a good choice for a cat blanket because it is more resistant to dust mites than most fabrics, and of course, it is soft and warm. However, make sure your cat is not consuming the wool, as this can be very dangerous for its health.



Cats are funny creatures, and their habit of kneading and biting blankets is without a doubt one of their weirder behaviors.

No matter how silly they look doing this, though, it is also one of the most unmistakable signs that they feel safe and loved.

When accompanied by lazy eyes and purrs, a cat may simply be in snuggle heaven.

However, keep an eye on their body language just in case, especially if this is not normal behavior for them. They may be trying to communicate something.