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Did The Vet Cut My Dog’s Nails Too Short? Telltale Signs!

Did The Vet Cut My Dog’s Nails Too Short? Telltale Signs!

There are few things more challenging for canine responsibility than taking proper care of a dog‘s nails.

Not only do most dogs hate having their toenails clipped, but it can be a hassle to stay on top of, especially given how easy it is to cut them too short, causing them to bleed profusely.

The good news is you can rely on your vet or a veterinary technician to clip your dog‘s nails. Most clinics do this free of charge at a check-up, but you can pay a small fee to go in just for a nail clip.

It can be easy to clip a dog’s nails too short by accident, and your vet isn’t immune to this standard canine owner error.

Dogs can be picky when having their nails cut, and it’s not uncommon for them to move around, causing humans to cut too close to the quick or the vein that runs through the nail. 


Did the vet cut my dog’s nails too short?

Though not life-threatening, a canine nail cut too short will bleed extensively. In most cases, the nail will still be bleeding when you’re reunited with your pup, though your vet will apply powder to clot the nail and stop the bleeding, along with a wrap to keep infection out. 


How to Know if My Vet Cut My Dogs Nails Too Short

You’ll likely know right away if there was an incident during your pup’s nail clipping that caused your vet to cut one too short accidentally.

Nails bleed a lot, often sending owners into an unnecessary frenzy when clipping nails at home. I get it, as a lot of blood coming from your dog can be terrifying!

Though veterinarians rarely make the mistake of cutting a dog’s nail too short, it does happen. You’ll know right away.

Not only should your vet explain to you what happened, but your dog will likely need clotting powder and a bandage to stop the bleeding.

Your vet might send you home with more applications and powder, but chances are, the bleeding will stop not long after the powder has been applied.

Another way to stop a bleeding nail when you’re in a pinch is using cornstarch. This pantry staple is good to keep in stock if you’re accustomed to clipping your dog’s nails at home.

Simply dip the bleeding paw into a bowl of corn starch and let it clot up.


Where to Cut a Dog’s Nail

A good rule of thumb, and all veterinarians know this, is to cut where the nail begins to curve, therefore avoiding the quick altogether. Every canine has a different set of nails on its paws.

Some dogs have thick nails, while others are thin and easier to cut. Sometimes you can see where the quick begins, and others, you can’t tell at all.

Since it’s difficult to see, cutting at the curve serves a universal purpose of avoiding the quick.

If your dog comes out of his vet visit with short nails that aren’t bleeding, then you have nothing to worry about. The only indicator that your vet has cut your dog’s nails too short rests on whether or not the nail is bleeding.

Any other outcome means your pup is just fine unless, of course, they’re still too long!


When to Cut Your Dog’s Nails

If you can hear nail clicking on the pavement or hard flooring in your home, it’s time to trim your canine’s nails.

I prefer taking my dogs to the vet, as neither of them likes to have their nails cut, so it’s easier to utilize a professional.


Frequently Asked Questions about Knowing if the Vet Cut My Dog’s Nails Too Short


How can I tell if my dog’s nails are too short?

When your dog comes out of the vet’s office bleeding, you know its nails have been cut too short. Visible blood is the only instance that a dog’s nails have been cut too short for comfort. If there’s no blood, your pup has perfectly clipped toes.


How would my vet accidentally cut my dog’s nails too short?

Dogs move around a lot, especially when someone is holding onto their paw. Your dog could have moved his paw toward the vet mid-clip, causing the vet to chop too much off. Also, vets are human, and they are allowed to make mistakes.


If my dog’s nails are too short, what should I do?

If it’s the vet that cut it too short, they’ll send you home with the necessary tools to stop the bleeding if it starts up again at home. If you’ve cut the nail too short yourself, you can use corn starch to help it clot or call the vet for further assistance.


Veterinarians Rarely Cut Nails Too Short

When the vet returns your pup to you after a nail-clipping session, if anything, you’ll likely find that they’re still a little on the long side.

Many vets and technicians err on the side of caution to prevent cutting into the quick, but now and then, you’ll get a vet or a vet tech that is an absolute whiz at clipping nails, returning your pup with perfectly manicured paws.