Snakes grow throughout all of their lives. In order to grow, they need to shed their old skin because it will be too small to fit their new, larger bodies. Baby snakes shed more often than adults since their growth rate is faster. Adult snakes, depending on the species, shed a few times a year. …
Ringneck snakes are popular pet snakes because they are small, only getting to be about twenty inches long. In the wild, they eat a wide variety of foods, including small frogs, small toads, salamanders, small lizards, and newly born or hatched snakes. However, pet snakes mostly eat insects like earthworms, mealworms, slugs, and crickets. They …
My family and I ultimately love our pet snake. Our ball python is a gorgeous creature, and he (although we still argue about whether he is a he or a she) has a glossy reddish-pink tongue that flicks all over. We often wonder just why our python flicks its tongue. Is it smelling, tasting, or …
Snakes yawn for many reasons, but none of them have to do with the snake being sleepy. Snakes yawn to widen their gape or align the lower jaw after eating. They also yawn or gape when they are sick. Yawning or keeping their mouths open wide also helps them detect chemicals in the air to …
When my kids brought home a pet snake from school and promptly announced they were going to raise and care for the slithering creature, I was naturally horrified. I had never been into snake keeping (or any other reptiles for that matter), and I happily thought that a snake must surely have a short lifespan …