The world has so many varieties of snakes that it can be super confusing when trying to determine the diets of each species. They all have diets that differ, and if you’re planning on keeping a snake as a pet, you’ve got to have a firm grasp on the best diet for the snake you …
My son decided that he wanted a snake. Now I had never been into the slithery type, and snakes had always been something to fear to me. Yet, as I walked into the exotic pet store with my son, I became absolutely fascinated by the array of colorful snakes that were curled up behind their …
Snakes are such a large and successful family of animals that they reproduce in more than one way. They lay eggs, give birth, or do both. In the last way, the female lays very, very thinly shelled eggs in her oviduct, where the babies hatch. She then gives birth to the babies. About seventy percent …
Snakes mate in the spring after hibernation. If the snakes are being bred, they mate about a week or two after being brought out of the brumation. Then, as a breeder, I introduced the two. If they take a liking to each other right away, I leave them in the same enclosure and let them …
Snakes are highly interesting species on earth without a doubt. Unlike most creatures in the reptile family, snakes are without arms and legs. This begs the question of how it is that they manage to move and glide so gracefully across various surfaces, including water. All snakes can swim, and if, like me, you’re wondering …