Rabbits are gentle and cuddly pets that can be great children companions. However, have you ever heard of a pet rabbit simply dropping dead, without warning? Evidently, it is a common problem in the animal kingdom, and it is caused by Exertional Myopathy. Other species are afflicted but rabbits are particularly susceptible to this condition, …
While there are probably few things as cute as a newborn rabbit, knowing the length of your pet rabbit’s pregnancy can help you prepare and plan your rabbit management strategies. I didn’t have a very good experience when I took care of rabbits the first time. I didn’t even notice my doe (or female rabbit) …
Most animals have certain behaviors that make us scratch our heads in bewilderment. Rabbits thumping their feet is one such behavior. While some people may be the lucky owners of pet rabbits and want to be attuned to their pet’s behavior, so that they can better understand their rabbit’s needs and respond accordingly, other people may …
Not only are rabbits cute and quick on their feet, but they are also highly intelligent animals. They are just as smart, if not smarter, than a dog or cat. As an animal lover, I have owned a few rabbits and other domestic pets and personally found their level of intelligence to be astounding. For the rest …