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Huskies are famously intelligent dogs with friendly and inquisitive natures and buckets of energy. As any owner knows, they require extra care especially in the exercise department, to keep them from engaging in any sticky situation. If not, their athleticism and enthusiasm can overwhelm them. Since Siberian Huskies were originally bred to become working dogs, …

Read More about How High Can Huskies Jump? You’ll Never Believe This!

Siberian huskies have gotten the reputation of being stubborn, making them especially difficult to train. Huskies are not deliberately trying to be stubborn. They just do not need to please people in the way that some other dog breeds like Labrador retrievers do. So…   Why Are Huskies Stubborn? Though huskies are self-reliant by nature, …

Read More about Why Are Huskies Stubborn? Find Out Here!

Huskies are affectionate and outgoing dogs classified as medium to big-sized dogs. They’re like human babies that tend to increase in height first and then grow plumper. If you’re planning to raise a husky, you’ll seemingly relish watching them grow distinctively. Just like humans, they also undergo different developmental stages. However, it takes a longer …

Read More about How Fast Do Huskies Grow? Wow!