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Crows are the astute opportunists of the bird world, and their intelligence is perhaps most profoundly observed through their advanced scavenging abilities. These enigmatic omnivores have very diverse dietary tastes and will adapt to eat whatever is available. However, as fall turns to winter, their usual selection of sustenance may not be quite as freely …

Read More about What do Crows Eat in Winter – The Answer Is Here

Although the most common pets are cats, dogs, goldfish, and budgies, some pet owners are more adventurous. Many people have owned iguanas, ferrets, and hamsters as pets. Surprisingly, wildlife lovers have even gone as far as domesticating raccoons and opossums. So, is it really that farfetched to consider the possibility of owning a crow as …

Read More about Do Crows Make Good Pets? The Answer Is Here!

Crows are a diverse and highly intelligent species. In the USA, crows have different variations, but they are similar to one another. Something that many kinds of crows share in common is that they will eat other birds.   Do Crows Eat Other Birds? Crows are omnivorous, meaning they eat plants and animals alike. When …

Read More about Do Crows Eat Other Birds? Interesting…

Since we commonly see crows thriving, scavenging, and occasionally running smaller birds and animals away from neighborhood bird feeders, we might forget that crows, though bossy, are not at the top of the food chain. Crows have generally received a very predatory reputation, but this isn’t far from the truth. Though they come with an …

Read More about What Animals Eat Crows? Oh!