Cat owners adore their pets but remain mystified by certain odd cat behaviors. While nail-biting is usually a sign of nervousness in humans, cats may bite their nails for several reasons. Yes, cats can indeed experience anxiety, but their nail-biting may not necessarily signify that they are afraid. Although this behavior is harmless, it can …
If you’re a cat owner, you’ve more than likely experienced the unbridled terror that comes with having a miniature set of fangs embed themselves in your ankle. Cats can be mischievous creatures, and this naughty habit is a testament to that. Needless to say, there are reasons for these sneak attacks that are actually entirely …
Only a cat owner knows the feeling. You’re having a loving snuggle with your cat, they’re purring up a storm, and all of a sudden, they sink their teeth into you. We are led to believe that purring indicates contentment, so why is it that our felines can switch from pleased to punishing in the …
Cat’s ears have far less fur on them than the rest of a cat’s body. This is to help them regulate their body temperatures by giving off excess heat. Cats can’t sweat through their skin like people or horses do, so extra body heat is given off by panting, by sweating through the pads of …
While cats can most certainly be an elusive species, most of them enjoy human interaction, at least to an extent. They may not have a reputation for being overly friendly or even agreeable, but any cat lover will be quick to tell you otherwise. Cats are funny, intelligent, intuitive, and adorable. They’re incredibly loyal, and they rarely …