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Although it is common knowledge that dogs are intelligent in general, certain breeds have inherent behavior characteristics that may increase their responsiveness to training. Thus, the owners and prospective owners of huskies may indeed be curious about the intelligence level of the breed. While most people are likely interested in knowing about a breed’s intelligence …

Read More about How Smart Are Huskies? Amazing!

Although most cat owners adore their pets, they may still be mystified by certain cat behaviors. A cat’s tendency to bite another cat is one such behavior. While it is natural to initially attribute this behavior to aggression, there are other possible explanations for cat biting. Fortunately, this behavior doesn’t necessarily reflect a poor ability …

Read More about Why Do Cats Bite Each Other? Hey, Stop!

Despite being house pets for decades, Siberian husky hair still grows and sheds as if the dog will live outdoors year-round. Siberian huskies are double-coated dogs, with a thick topcoat of harsher hair and a soft, insulating undercoat. That undercoat sheds dramatically about twice a year for a month at a time. This happens when …

Read More about When Do Huskies Shed? Now I Know!

We’ve all seen those adorable videos where huskies are constantly making silly noises. Or you might be one of those owners that are met with a full-blown husky temper tantrum any time it’s time to leave the dog park. The question is, why are they so vocal? Do they just like the sound of their …

Read More about Why Are Huskies So Vocal? It’s More Than Just Their Ancestry