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Gouge a Sharks Eyes When It is Attacking You – Good Idea?

Gouge a Sharks Eyes When It is Attacking You – Good Idea?

Although there’s a remarkable decrease in fatal shark attacks around the world, incidents of shark bites have increased. The chances of surviving a shark attack are good.

Many experts recommend fighting back if a shark grabs hold of you. However, trying to gouge the eyes may be more dangerous than hitting other parts of the shark.

Their eyes are near their teeth, so trying to gouge the eyes could result in your hand getting bitten off.

More sharks have been sighted near populated beaches in early 2021 than in recent years, according to Forbes.

This is partly due to better shark tracking methods, such as following tagged sharks, but also due to shark population increases due to conservation efforts.

The chances of drowning are 100 times more likely than getting attacked by a shark, notes the Florida Museum’s International Shark Attack Files.


Is it True That There is No Point Trying to Gouge a Sharks Eyes When it is Attacking You?

If attacked by a shark, fighting back is the best way to survive. The best places to attack are the eyes, gills, and nose. During the attack, kick and punch the shark anywhere that can be reached. Use any nearby objects like a surfboard as a weapon as they don’t like fighting their prey and usually let go.


Surviving A Shark Attack

The problem with experts about shark attacks is that most of them have never actually been attacked by a shark. This is why advice on how to survive a shark attack differs, depending upon which expert you read.

Many actual survivors of shark attacks have been able to survive because they had a weapon handy, such as a surfboard, knife, or speargun.

Sharks prefer easy meals where they do not have to spend a lot of energy on. They often do sneak attacks.

Sometimes, they will take a chunk out of their prey and swim off to let it bleed to death before coming back to eat.

This behavior, where survivors report that the shark suddenly let go of them, has prompted some to think that sharks do not like the taste of human flesh. Unfortunately, they do.

What sharks do not like is to get into prolonged fights for their meals. When you’re under a shark attack, fight with everything you’ve got.

Experts disagree on just where is the best place on a shark to hit. It is thought that the eyes, nose, and gills are the shark’s most sensitive body parts.

The most important thing to do is fight, punching or kicking anywhere on the shark you can reach.

Some experts, like George Burgess of the International Shark Attack File, say that the eyes are too close to the teeth to make attacking there safer than anywhere else.


Avoiding Sharks

Avoiding sharks helps you to avoid any shark attack. But, this doesn’t mean never swimming at the beach again.

There are many things you can do to avoid sharks and still have a good time in the water at the beach, according to Richard Nateman, MD, who treated at least a dozen shark attack victims.

  • Sharks attack anything remotely shaped like their usual prey of fish or seals. If a shark is very close, stay upright in the water. You want to avoid making a horizontal line, which is what fish and seals look like to sharks.
  • Only swim where there are lifeguards present.
  • Only swim where there are a lot of people around. The more people, the more eyes there are looking out for sharks. Also, there are more chances that a shark will go after someone else and not you. If you’re on solo mode, then you are the only potential prey for the shark.
  • Pay attention to any signs warning of shark sightings. This may seem like common sense, but plenty of people have ignored signs warning of sharks in the area and have gone swimming, anyway.
  • Sharks are most active during dusk and dawn, so avoid swimming during those times. Avoid swimming at night, for many reasons, but sharks are more active at night than in the day. They have excellent night vision.
  • Avoid the places in the water that sharks like best – harbor entrances, murky water, very deep water, channels, and anywhere there is a steep drop-off.
  • Avoid peeing in the water. Like blood, urine attracts the sharks’ attention.
  • If wounded for any reason, such as stepping on a hidden piece of sharp glass, leave the water immediately and get help. Open, bleeding wounds quickly attract sharks.


What to Do if You’re Swimming and See a Shark Nearby

  • Stay still and stay upright.
  • Stay still even if the shark bumps you with its nose. It inspects everything often by touching with the nose. If the shark means to attack, you usually will not see the shark first.
  • Avoid splashing around, since this mimics the actions of an injured fish or seal. You don’t want looking like an easy meal. You also do not want to provoke a defensive bite by attacking the shark first, even if it is an accidental kick or slap while splashing the water.
  • If in a group of people, float away from each other to avoid making a large, horizontal line. Everyone needs to avoid making any sudden moves that could alarm the shark.

By doing these things, sharks usually lose interest and swim away.


Frequently Asked Questions About Gouging a Sharks Eyes When it is Attacking You


Does Shark Repellent Work?

Many products have been sold as shark repellents, from chemical sprays to electrical devices. However, these do not work reliably. Studies done on these products have shown mixed results.


Where’s the Best Spot to Punch a Shark?

Experts differ on the best place for the shark to hit if attacked. The California State University Long Beach Shark Lab recommends punching or kicking a shark on the nose, eyes or gills since all of these places are sensitive to sharks.


Do Sharks Like the Taste of Humans?

It was once thought that sharks did not like the taste of humans, since they easily let go of bite victims. It is now thought that sharks do like the taste of people, but will let go of prey that fights back.


The Least You Need to Know

You are far more likely to drown than be attacked by a shark. If bit by a shark, fighting back is the best thing to do.

Sharks usually let go of any prey that fights in order to avoid injury. The best places to hit are the gills, the nose, and the eyes.

The nose and the gills are further away from the teeth than the eyes. During the attack, hit wherever you can, because you may not have time to try and find a specific area like the eyes.