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Cat grooming himself cleaning his fur


Cat Facts

  • Why Do Cats Like Fish? 3 Interesting Reasons

    Why Do Cats Like Fish? 3 Interesting Reasons

    Why Do Cats Like Fish? Cat and fish have a unique relationship that dates back as far as 750 BC. History suggests that ancient Egyptians even used fish to bait cats which might have ultimately led to their domestication. The modern cat can’t seem to get enough of fish; depictions have further popularized that in…

  • Why Do Cats Cover Their Food? Mystery Solved!

    Why Do Cats Cover Their Food? Mystery Solved!

    A lion and a house cat do have a big difference between them, but one thing that they share is the ability to hide leftovers for later. Why do cats cover their food? This behavior is what scientists refer to as “caching,”. Caching serves as the practice of saving leftover food for later consumption. The…

  • Why Does My Cat Slap Me? 4 Unbelievable Reasons!

    Why Does My Cat Slap Me? 4 Unbelievable Reasons!

    In all honesty, I have a “slap happy” cat.  She is a Russian Blue who I adopted from a shelter. This shelter specializes in unwanted feral cats who are considered unadoptable.  Hence, I knew what I’m getting myself into but I am a cat lover so proceeded. My cat of course is extreme but all…

Cat Care

  • Do Female Cats Spray When in Heat? The Revealing Truth!

    Do Female Cats Spray When in Heat? The Revealing Truth!

    Do Female Cats Spray When in Heat? If your female cat has begun spraying, it’s easy to assume that she must be in heat. But do female felines even spray when they’re in heat? Like many cat behaviors, spraying is yet another mystery to cat owners. It’s common for cat owners to want to know…

  • How Cold is Too Cold for Cats? The Revealing Truth!

    How Cold is Too Cold for Cats? The Revealing Truth!

    If you are a cat lover – or just a decent human being – you may be concerned about your outdoor cats and the strays in your neighborhood when the temperatures start to drop. Although cats have excellent survival skills and larger wild breeds may be accustomed to cold temperatures, cats can still develop hypothermia.…

  • How Do Cats Defend Themselves – 6 Proven Tactics!

    How Do Cats Defend Themselves – 6 Proven Tactics!

    Domestic house cats share 95% of their DNA with lions, but their small size makes us want to pet them instead of running in the opposite direction. So how do cats defend themselves despite lacking an imposing persona and make sure their size and cuddliness aren’t perceived as a chink in their defensive armor? Wild…

  • Why Siamese Cats Talk So Much – Aha!

    Why Siamese Cats Talk So Much – Aha!

    Siamese cats have a bit of a reputation. These bat-eared beauties are known for being needy, highly-strung, energetic, and most of all, vocal. And while much of this is part and parcel of who they are as a breed, general chattiness can also indicate that your cat is trying to tell you something. Literally. This…

  • Cat Drooling But Acting Normal — What’s Happening?

    Cat Drooling But Acting Normal — What’s Happening?

    Having been a dog person all my life, I was somewhat confused when my little Miss Socks began to drool one warm morning. I was totally confused by the sight of my cat drooling non-stop. At first, I thought she was sick, but she ate and drank water like normal, even though the drooling continued.…

  • What Siamese Cats Eat – All you Need to Know!

    What Siamese Cats Eat – All you Need to Know!

    When I was considering getting a cat for my daughter who is obsessed with these animals, I dived deep into research. I settled on a Siamese cat, mostly because I like their blue eyes and the fact that they are very affectionate. Before we actually went to adopt a Siamese kitten, I looked at what…