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Cat grooming himself cleaning his fur


Cat Facts

  • How Many Lives Do Cats Have? 7? 6? 9? Mystery Solved!

    How Many Lives Do Cats Have? 7? 6? 9? Mystery Solved!

    How Many Lives Do Cats Have? While it may sound like a ridiculous question to ask, many people may legitimately wonder how many lives a cat has thanks to the well-known saying that cats have nine lives. Then again, some other cultures claim that cats have six or seven lives, which further places the issue…

  • 8 Must-Know Warning Signs When Introducing Cats

    8 Must-Know Warning Signs When Introducing Cats

    What are the warning signs when introducing cats? Since cats are territorial by nature, you may run into some problems when bringing home a new kitty. However, there are warning signs that you can look out for when introducing your cat to a new cat that’s just been brought into your home. It’s perfectly normal…

  • Do Female Cats Spray When in Heat? The Revealing Truth!

    Do Female Cats Spray When in Heat? The Revealing Truth!

    Do Female Cats Spray When in Heat? If your female cat has begun spraying, it’s easy to assume that she must be in heat. But do female felines even spray when they’re in heat? Like many cat behaviors, spraying is yet another mystery to cat owners. It’s common for cat owners to want to know…

Cat Care

  • Why Does My Male Cat Bite My Female Cats Neck? Umm… Okay!

    Why Does My Male Cat Bite My Female Cats Neck? Umm… Okay!

    Cats are amazing animals. However, their behavior can be questionable, especially with other cats in the home. I have witnessed my male cat biting both my female cat’s necks. This has happened on several occasions. My female cats are tolerable towards his behavior for a little while, then they make their escape.   Why Does…

  • Why Siamese Cats Talk So Much – Aha!

    Why Siamese Cats Talk So Much – Aha!

    Siamese cats have a bit of a reputation. These bat-eared beauties are known for being needy, highly-strung, energetic, and most of all, vocal. And while much of this is part and parcel of who they are as a breed, general chattiness can also indicate that your cat is trying to tell you something. Literally. This…

  • Will a Fox Eat a Cat? Maybe? Let’s See!

    Will a Fox Eat a Cat? Maybe? Let’s See!

    With the destruction of their habitat, foxes have been forced to live in suburban areas and even cities. This means they come in contact with household pets like cats. Since adult cats are about the same size as a fox, they are too big for most foxes to even dream about hunting. Kittens are small…

  • Why Do Cats Like Earwax? 5 Intriguing Reasons

    Why Do Cats Like Earwax? 5 Intriguing Reasons

    I’m sure you’ve been there too. That moment when your precious kitten decides to dive snout first into their cat friend’s ears, licking like there’s no tomorrow. This kind of licking seems to go way beyond a simple “help a buddy out” grooming session. In fact, your cat is actually eating the other cat’s ear…

  • Why Do Cats Wag Their Tails While Lying Down? – 6 Reasons

    Why Do Cats Wag Their Tails While Lying Down? – 6 Reasons

    Why Do Cats Wag Their Tails While Lying Down? My Siamese cat is an absolute entertainment to watch. She walks up and down the windowsill, the tip of her tail wagging from side to side while she decides whether she will bake in the sun or go hunt for birds under the large oak tree…

  • How Fast Can Cats Run? The Undeniable Truth!

    How Fast Can Cats Run? The Undeniable Truth!

    Ordinary house cats, our pets, if not for their incredible running speed, are the ones that may become prey to other animals in our neighborhoods. Nevertheless, it has several advantages over the competition. A cat can run fast, but it can also climb even better. Without speed across the ground, getting to the tree on…