Cat Facts
How Do Cats Defend Themselves – 6 Proven Tactics!
Domestic house cats share 95% of their DNA with lions, but their small size makes us want to pet them instead of running in the opposite direction. So how do cats defend themselves despite lacking an imposing persona and make sure their size and cuddliness aren’t perceived as a chink in their defensive armor? Wild…
Why Do Cats Eat Bugs? 3 Best Reasons Revealed!
There is something so unsettling about bugs and the likes of it, which instantly makes us grimace. Naturally, the idea of bugs making an appetizing meal is something most of us cannot entertain. However, our cats don’t seem to share the same sentiments. For them, bugs seem to make a way more scrumptious meal than a…
What Do Sand Cats Eat? Mostly These 5 Things!
What Do Sand Cats Eat? Most people don’t picture a cat when they imagine the kind of animals that might inhabit the dry conditions of a desert. However, the sand cat is one species of feline that actually prefers the extremities of life in the hot sand, and is well adapted to the unforgiving conditions…
Cat Care
Why Do Cats Make Weird Noises at Night? 6 Curious Reasons
If you’re a cat owner, hearing strange noises in the middle of the night would be nothing new for you. Have you ever wondered and pondered why your cat makes such noises and that, too, in the night? Here’s why cats yowl or meow randomly during the night. Why Do Cats Make Weird Noises at…
Why Do Cats Roll in the Dirt? 7 Surprising Reasons
What makes cats roll on the ground? We tend to worry about our little furballs, thinking that they do themselves a power of no-good by getting their silky coats grimy and filthy. But it seems it never crosses our minds that perhaps cats aren’t as dumb as two heavy dumbbells, and maybe they do have…
Why Do Cats Smell Good? 5 Amazing Reasons
As a cat owner, you know the feeling. Your cat comes over for a “cuddle” and the next thing you know you have buried your face in them. Why? Let’s be honest, cats do indeed smell good to cat lovers. The combination of feeling the fur on your face and that bland yet distinctive smell…
How Many Lives Do Cats Have? 7? 6? 9? Mystery Solved!
How Many Lives Do Cats Have? While it may sound like a ridiculous question to ask, many people may legitimately wonder how many lives a cat has thanks to the well-known saying that cats have nine lives. Then again, some other cultures claim that cats have six or seven lives, which further places the issue…
8 Must-Know Warning Signs When Introducing Cats
What are the warning signs when introducing cats? Since cats are territorial by nature, you may run into some problems when bringing home a new kitty. However, there are warning signs that you can look out for when introducing your cat to a new cat that’s just been brought into your home. It’s perfectly normal…
Do Female Cats Spray When in Heat? The Revealing Truth!
Do Female Cats Spray When in Heat? If your female cat has begun spraying, it’s easy to assume that she must be in heat. But do female felines even spray when they’re in heat? Like many cat behaviors, spraying is yet another mystery to cat owners. It’s common for cat owners to want to know…