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Cat grooming himself cleaning his fur


Cat Facts

  • How Do Cats Defend Themselves – 6 Proven Tactics!

    How Do Cats Defend Themselves – 6 Proven Tactics!

    Domestic house cats share 95% of their DNA with lions, but their small size makes us want to pet them instead of running in the opposite direction. So how do cats defend themselves despite lacking an imposing persona and make sure their size and cuddliness aren’t perceived as a chink in their defensive armor? Wild…

  • Why Do Cats Eat Bugs? 3 Best Reasons Revealed!

    Why Do Cats Eat Bugs? 3 Best Reasons Revealed!

    There is something so unsettling about bugs and the likes of it, which instantly makes us grimace. Naturally, the idea of bugs making an appetizing meal is something most of us cannot entertain. However, our cats don’t seem to share the same sentiments. For them, bugs seem to make a way more scrumptious meal than a…

  • What Do Sand Cats Eat? Mostly These 5 Things!

    What Do Sand Cats Eat? Mostly These 5 Things!

    What Do Sand Cats Eat? Most people don’t picture a cat when they imagine the kind of animals that might inhabit the dry conditions of a desert. However, the sand cat is one species of feline that actually prefers the extremities of life in the hot sand, and is well adapted to the unforgiving conditions…

Cat Care

  • Why Do Cats Like Earwax? 5 Intriguing Reasons

    Why Do Cats Like Earwax? 5 Intriguing Reasons

    I’m sure you’ve been there too. That moment when your precious kitten decides to dive snout first into their cat friend’s ears, licking like there’s no tomorrow. This kind of licking seems to go way beyond a simple “help a buddy out” grooming session. In fact, your cat is actually eating the other cat’s ear…

  • Why Do Cats Like Fish? 3 Interesting Reasons

    Why Do Cats Like Fish? 3 Interesting Reasons

    Why Do Cats Like Fish? Cat and fish have a unique relationship that dates back as far as 750 BC. History suggests that ancient Egyptians even used fish to bait cats which might have ultimately led to their domestication. The modern cat can’t seem to get enough of fish; depictions have further popularized that in…

  • Why Do Cats Like Milk? 5 Reasons Fur Parents Should Know

    Why Do Cats Like Milk? 5 Reasons Fur Parents Should Know

    Cats are finicky creatures but generally not so much when it comes to milk. Most cats adore milk and there are a variety of reasons.  Why Do Cats Like Milk? Cats like milk because milk tastes good to cats and provides a lot of fats. Cats also crave the taste while when as kittens they…

  • How Do Snakes Communicate? Now I Know!

    How Do Snakes Communicate? Now I Know!

    All animals have an innate communication system, and snakes are no exception to that evolutionary rule. Animals need to communicate with each other from time to time, regardless of species, so it makes perfect sense that they each have their own means of doing so. Snakes have to express themselves to other species of snake,…

  • Will a Fox Eat a Cat? Maybe? Let’s See!

    Will a Fox Eat a Cat? Maybe? Let’s See!

    With the destruction of their habitat, foxes have been forced to live in suburban areas and even cities. This means they come in contact with household pets like cats. Since adult cats are about the same size as a fox, they are too big for most foxes to even dream about hunting. Kittens are small…

  • How Many Bones Do Cats Have? Wow! Now I Know!

    How Many Bones Do Cats Have? Wow! Now I Know!

    For me, cats have always contained an element of the magical and mystical. When I began wondering how many bones my own cat had, the mystery deepened. What I find most amazing is how flexible cats are, as if they have no bones at all. So how many bones do cats have? Are their bones…