One of the smelliest creatures to be found in the animal kingdom is the skunk. Known for their expressive scent glands, these badger-like scavengers can be found among the night crew. But what exactly are these black and white animals able to find, especially in the dark? Do they alter their meal preferences depending on …
If you were asked to name one of the oldest animals to be domesticated, how would you answer? Would you guess that it was a cat, dog or even rabbit? Well, there is one species that rises above the others. You may be surprised to find that the goat was domesticated as far back as …
Usually represented in folklore as a cunning trickster, the fox is an intelligent animal. The true nature of the fox is quite conspicuous. Foxes are indeed intelligent and prefer to use that for their gain. They are lurking around as if more closely related to a cat. But what does this quick-witted creature stalk so …
One word: “mask”. What do you associate with this noun? A robber, criminal, or possibly even bandits. Or perhaps you think of the opportunistic forager, the raccoon. You most commonly picture them rustling through trash cans and attacking your neighborhood cats. But do these animals eat more than just garbage? Do they have other preferences? …
Picture an animal sporting springboard back legs, long slender ears, and a pouch. Can you guess what it is? One crucial hint is that it can be found Down Under. This creature is the kangaroo of Australia. In fact, it is endemic to that continent, meaning that it cannot be found anywhere else. Life in …