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Ear mites are a highly successful species. They found out how to make a living inside of animal ears. They are found mostly in cats but can infect other animals and, very rarely, people. The mites are very hard to see without magnification. The size of a pinhead, they look like white or grey jelly beans …

Read More about What Cat Ear Mites Look Like – Good to Know!

Killer whales (Orsinus orca), also called orcas, seem at first to have very large, pure white eyes. This is just an illusion. These white splotches on either side of the head, called eye patches or eyespots, are just normal coloration. The whale’s real eyes are found in the lower-left corner of the eye patches and …

Read More about Where Killer Whales Eyes Are Located — Ooh, There They Are!

All animals have an innate communication system, and snakes are no exception to that evolutionary rule. Animals need to communicate with each other from time to time, regardless of species, so it makes perfect sense that they each have their own means of doing so. Snakes have to express themselves to other species of snake, …

Read More about How Do Snakes Communicate? Now I Know!