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Penguins are known best for their egg-like body shape and short little legs that they waddle about on. From their outward appearance, you wouldn’t think that they had knees, but penguins are harboring a secret when it comes to their skeleton.   Do Penguins Have Knees? Penguins do have knees, they just are not visible …

Read More about Do Penguins Have Knees? Be Ready to Be Suprised!

While the color purple is considered relatively rare in nature, you may be surprised to learn that there are birds all over the world that boast beautiful royal-colored plumage. From big to small, ordinary to exotic, and ranging from light lilac to vibrant violet, this article looks at a few prominent purple bird breeds, and …

Read More about 10 Purple Bird Breeds — Incredible Feathered Creatures

My husband has become quite the twitcher … or should I say a wanna-be birder? He takes his notebook, his camera, and binoculars everywhere, and I mean everywhere. When we go hiking (so this actually makes sense), when we visit our daughter, and even when we just drive to the grocery store (this one doesn’t …

Read More about Yellow Bird With Black Wings — What Is It?