Having a pet rodent such as a rat or a mouse can be considered an unorthodox choice instead of going for a typical puppy or kitten. And while pets such as mice require minimal care and supervision, that may not be the case when it comes to caring for an ill or dying pet. But …
As fur parents, it’s only natural to worry about your dog when he behaves unusually. The worry intensifies when the behavior looks like your fur baby is in distress, like panting and being restless. To make things worse, it can even make you lose sleep, especially if it’s at night. So what does this mean, …
Isopods are fascinating creatures—these the marine creatures that do not have backbones. You can see the most common example of isopods as crabs and shrimps, both of which are eaten worldwide. Nowadays, people keep them as pets in plastic containers call terrariums. According to experts, there are around 10,000 species of isopods and are one …
Isopods are marine and terrestrial insects that include woodlice and their relative insects. Currently, it is believed that they have more than 1000 known species that make them the most diverse insect globally. In these 1000 species of isopods, around 4500 are found in marine and seawater, 500 are best raised in freshwater, while 5000 …
The word “Isopod” is derived from two Greek words, “Iso” meaning “similar or equal” while “pod” means “foot.” Isopods are a vast and varied crustacean order. They are found all over the world in a variety of marine, terrestrial, and freshwater habitats. According to scientists, more than 10,000 isopod species are marine. The species can …