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What Siamese Cats Eat – All you Need to Know!

What Siamese Cats Eat – All you Need to Know!

When I was considering getting a cat for my daughter who is obsessed with these animals, I dived deep into research.

I settled on a Siamese cat, mostly because I like their blue eyes and the fact that they are very affectionate.

Before we actually went to adopt a Siamese kitten, I looked at what would be the best diet for Sammy (the name my daughter gave the baby cat).

I also spoke to a local vet, and armed with tons of knowledge, this is what I learned:

What Do Siamese Cats Eat?

Siamese cats are carnivores, so their diets should be high in good-quality protein and fats. Add omega 6 and 3 fatty acids in your Siamese cat’s meals as well. Carbohydrates shouldn’t comprise a large part of a Siamese cat’s diet.

The Ideal Diet for Your Siamese Cat

Siamese cats should be slender as they can easily gain too much weight, which leads to obesity and diabetes.

The ideal diet for Sammy is one that is well-balanced to meet her specific health and nutrition needs. Siamese cats have slender bodies, and on average, these cats only weigh about 4.4-9.9 pounds (2-4.5 kilograms).

These cats are known to have sensitive stomachs, so their food whether you opt for dry kibble, wet food, or a raw or homemade diet should be easily digestible.

Moreover, you need to watch that what your Siamese cat eats promotes lean muscle mass and isn’t calorie-heavy.

Siamese cats should not be obese, but weight gain is easy if you don’t feed your cat a well-balanced diet.


At least 25%-30% of a Siamese cat’s diet should be made up of protein. In fact, this should be the first ingredient listed on the food packet, and you want to opt for whole protein, organ meats, and quality meat meals.

These cats are particularly partial to eating turkey and cooked ham. Other sources of good protein are chicken, beef, lamb, eggs, and fish.

Protein contains amino acids that Siamese cats need. These cats only make 12 of the 23 amino acids they need, so food that has quality protein will help ensure your cat is healthy.

Proteins to avoid include meat by-products meal, meat by-products (liver, spleen, and stomach), and soy.


Your Siamese cat should only eat about 5%-10% of their meals in carbohydrates. While cats don’t need any carbs in their food, lots of commercial food contains quite an amount of carbs in the form of peas and potatoes.

This is a no-no for your Sammy since you wouldn’t want your Siamese cat becoming obese or developing diabetes.

While it is difficult to find cat food that doesn’t have any carbs in it, choose an option that has the least amount of carbohydrates.


Fat is an important part of a balanced diet for your cat as this macronutrient helps with many vital body processes, from providing energy and aiding hormone production to assist with the absorption of vitamins.

For dry feed, about 40% should be healthy fats in the form of omega 3 and 6, while these fatty acids should be present in 15%-25% of wet cat food.

Good sources of fat for your Siamese cat are fish oil, meat organs, and animal-based fat from meat.

Essential Minerals and Vitamins

The food you feed your Siamese cat should include a wide range of essential minerals and vitamins that will help your kitty thrive.

Important vitamins and minerals that should be part of a well-balanced diet for your Siamese cat are:

  • Minerals: calcium, potassium, selenium, zinc, sodium, magnesium, and phosphorous
  • Vitamins: K, E, D, C, B, A
  • Antioxidants: beta-carotene, vitamins C and E
  • Taurine
  • L-carnitine
  • Chondroitin
  • Glucosamine


Every living thing needs water, and your Sammy is no different. Ensure your kitty has access to fresh and drinking water that’s clean every day.

However, cats are not known for drinking enough water, so you can add some water to your Siamese cat’s diet by including wet food that has about 80% water.

What to Feed at Different Life Stages

For your Siamese kitten, you should ensure their food has lots of protein and fat to help promote healthy growth.

The cat food you choose should be specifically formulated for kittens, and if you are unsure, you can ask your local vet to make a few recommendations.

For adult cats, their food should be well-balanced according to the percentages I shared above. If your cat has been neutered, you can also consider specific food that has been formulated to prevent weight gain.

For mature Siamese cats, their food should contain less protein and fat as they aren’t overly active.

If your Sammy has a sensitive stomach and is allergy-prone, then you should look at food that’s formulated for sensitive stomachs and skin.

Frequently Asked Questions about What Siamese Cats Eat

Should Siamese cats consume milk?

There is no nutritional value that cats gain from drinking milk. So if you do want to give your cat a saucer of milk, then ensure this is occasionally as this is a high-calorie treat.

What human foods can Siamese cats eat?

Human food that is safe for your cat to eat includes fish, cheese, bananas, berries, melon, rice, carrots, and meat. Take care as some veggies and fruits are high in sugar, and feeding these too often to your Siamese results in weight issues and diabetes.

The Final Meal

When we finally adopted Sammy, I was ready with kitten food for her. I alternated between dry kibbles and wet food, and as she grew, I made sure to feed her a well-balanced diet that is suitable for adult Siamese cats.

To this day, I still carefully read the labels and make sure my daughter’s precious cat gets all the macro and micronutrients she needs to thrive and be a life-long companion for my little girl.